844-38-GRACE [email protected]

Be Bold. Be Brave.

The very concept of asking someone for help can be daunting to many people.  It is easy to be influenced by our culture into believing that we can and should overcome obstacles on our own.  This way of thinking can easily lead us to become adamant in...

Shakespeare and Suicide

To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep, No more; and by a sleep to say we end The...

New Year, New You

About this time of year, every year, we set a resolution for change. The resolutions are promises we make to ourselves or to others to do things differently, to be the best version of ourselves. And every year, several weeks later, most of those resolutions – the...

How to Holiday When You Don’t Feel Like It

It’s that special time of year when the holiday frenzy begins in earnest. People are rushing about like mad, trying to accomplish all the things. The same person who says happy holidays to everyone they see just stole that parking spot you waited patiently to get. The...

This Is Your Brain On …

Remember the old commercials showing an egg frying in a pan? The voiceover stated, “This is your brain on drugs.” We used to believe that our brains were unchangeable, inflexible, fixed. In the past few decades, neuroscience has changed that belief...

We’re Moving

Grace & Peace Counseling is excited to announce our new location! When: First week of October 2018 Where: 1575 Plaza West Drive, Suite C, Prescott, AZ 86303 **Please park in front of the building.