Who We Work With

Cared for with Compassion at our Counseling Clinic in Prescott
Our team of caring professionals at Grace & Peace Counseling have experience working with families, couples, blended families, individuals, children and teenagers. At our counseling clinic, we carefully nudge to expose the root of the issue, understanding this is a delicate dance that only the finest can approach with wounded individuals. Our psychotherapy practice specializes in the following therapies with specific approaches for each client.
Couples and Spouses in Marriage Counseling
Grace & Peace Counseling specializes in marriage counseling. Our talented therapist guide couples to healing and peace with effective communication tools within a safe and peaceful environment to harvest the harmony you both desire. A strong, unified family starts with a strong, unified marriage. Restoring the relationship takes time, patience and work.
Marriage is a beautiful union, working with our marriage coaches we will help you on this journey to heal hurt, pain, resentment, anger, bitterness, etc. Working through jealousy, control issues, distrust, and other identified areas that need attention for healing. Infidelity begins way before the actual affair. Restoring the joy in your marriage early will enable the marriage to be fruitful and long-lasting. Visit Grace & Peace Counseling clinic to begin the healing process in your marriage.
Family Counseling Services
Families can be a challenging dynamic with personality clashes, or with unresolved pain that may or may not be known. At the Grace & Peace Counseling clinic you can trust our highly-qualified and trained therapists to help bring the broken relationships back together to provide peace and understanding. We offer Christ centered counseling and bring a gentle approach to identify areas in the family ties that need mending in order to restore connection, communication, and trust.
Our counseling clinic offers techniques and modalities specific to each family member’s needs to provide the most impact for healing and growth. Broken families can be devastating though, with Family Counseling Services, joy, love, support and relationships can be renewed with hope for a bright future together as a family.
Counseling for Parents
Grace & Peace Counseling specializes in family relationships, especially the trials that come from the parental and child relationship. There are skills, techniques, and tools that can be taught and practiced through our family counseling services at our counseling clinic. We guide you through healing the relationships with your children.
Just when it seems like you have your child figured out, they move on to the next phase and the parenting rules change! This can be overwhelming and frustrating. It probably doesn’t always feel normal. The way you discipline your 3-year-old should look different than when they are 8, 12 or even 16. Learning how to adapt and be consistent in your love and discipline is not impossible. At the Grace & Peace Counseling clinic we will help restore parent/child relationships for a hopeful and joyful future.
Co-parenting / Blended Families Counseling
Parenting is a team effort. Knowing how to work with each other to raise a family takes patience, communication skills, cooperation and teamwork strategy. Families can be a challenging dynamic with personality clashes, or with unresolved pain that may or may not be known. Blended families will have unique situations as well. At the Grace & Peace Counseling clinic you can trust our highly-qualified and trained therapists to guide in healing broken relationships with peace and understanding.
We use a gentle approach to identify areas in the family ties that need mending to restore connection, communication, and trust. Our counseling clinic offers techniques and modalities specific to each family member’s needs to provide the most impact on healing and growth. Our Family Counseling Services help to work on a peaceful and unified future for everyone involved.
Counseling for Adolescents & Teens
Teenagers can be tough. It may seem like they were only created to push your buttons! Often, a teenager’s negative behavior is a symptom of a larger issue. Identifying the root causes of these concerns could bring the healing that will allow you to have your child back. At the Grace & Peace Counseling clinic we understand this age group is vulnerable to unhealthy influences that seem enticing when emotions and hormones are awry. In this time of brain development, it is pertinent to start the work of identifying emotions and to build skills to regulate before rash decisions occur, which can lead to regret, shame, isolation and other poor choices.
Our highly-qualified and trained therapists at our psychotherapy practice specialize in family counseling services. They will guide the teen to an inner peace, fulfillment, confidence and esteem. healing broken relationships with parents, siblings, friends, and self.
Counseling for Children
Children can be so much fun, but they can also be quite a challenge! Children often display behaviors that may seem concerning including bed wetting, lack of anger control, lack of energy, poor friendships and difficulty focusing. Since children do not know how to express themselves, these are often the ways their concerns come through.
At the Grace & Peace Counseling clinic our highly-qualified and trained therapists at our psychotherapy practice specialize in family counseling services to work with your child. Behavioral therapies and modalities are used to help your child learn healthy behaviors, communication methods and to handle his/her internal world in the external world. Give us a call, we would love to meet you and your child to embark on the growth journey together.