Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19 #9
We all like to have fun but sometimes we choose not to based on our circumstances. I...
Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19 #8
What are you focused on today? If you’re anything like me, its easy to focus on the barriers and...
Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19 #7
Today the focus is to “Name it, to tame it” (Dan Siegel). I found myself with feelings of grief as...
Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19 #6
Listening to music, having a cup of tea and taking a walk are all great things to do to cope with...
Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19 #5
Today‘s focus is on reaping and deepening what you sow, which heightens the importance of...
Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19 Day #4
Music is deeply connected to the brain and has a strong effect on our emotions. Music can evoke...
Ways to Cope #3 – COVID-19
Today’s exercise is one of reminiscing. They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Take some...
COVID-19 Coping Solutions #2 – Finding Joy
Today let’s practice staying present in today. We are surrounded by many unknowns with COVID-19...
Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19
How to get through another day? I want to offer ways to cope during this challenging time. My...