Gratitude No Matter What

Gratitude No Matter What

Happy Friday! There are moments when our practice of gratitude depends on what is happening around us. There is something that can help you feel more grounded and less anxious. Be more optimistic and even sleep better with gratitude. Gratitude let’s us find the good,...
Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19 #42

Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19 #42

Got Stress?? Have you been noticing a spike in your stress as a result of COVID-19? If so, you certainly aren’t alone. Pandemics are not declared lightly, and an increase in your stress is actually a normal response. However, not only is stress unpleasant, it can also...
Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19 #41

Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19 #41

Lend a Helping Hand The announcement the governor gave yesterday extending the stay at home orders can feel frustrating for many. When will this ever end? When will life return to normal? How are we supposed to plan for the months ahead? While we find ourselves with...
Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19 #40

Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19 #40

Change Begins in the Small Things I’ve heard story after story of people wanting to make their situations better during COVID-19. This makes sense since what we once knew to be normal life hasn’t occurred for a while now. We like consistency and for things to fit...
Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19 #39

Daily Coping Solutions for COVID-19 #39

Love COVID-19 has made life difficult for many. Even before COVID-19 people had problems. Things came up that caused difficulty. Navigating tough situations is something that is generally viewed as undesirable because of the negative emotions that come with it. Did...