Ways to Cope #3 – COVID-19

Today’s exercise is one of reminiscing. They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Take some time today to flip through an old photo album or scroll through photos on your computer or smartphone. Reminisce about joyful moments in life. Take the opportunity to share your experiences and memories with others by emailing, texting or calling. By connecting with those that we love we can develop deeper relationships.

Familiar faces and places can allow you to draw upon the depths of your memory, leaving you with a feeling of nostalgia and at times, longing. That’s because memory is not just a faculty, it allows us to store and recall information. This journey into your past can conjure up many different emotions — feelings of joy, gratitude, appreciation, sadness and anger. It’s a reminder of blessings, loved ones, victories and survival. While you flip through your old photos today while with someone or by yourself, you’re not only accessing history, you are reminding yourself and others of the treasured moments. In remembering the past, these memories evoke real emotions that affect us in the present.

Memories can remind us of happier times and lift our moods. They can keep us company when we feel lonely. They show us that in overcoming hardships and loss, we are strong and resilient.