Finding Purpose
My husband built my boys a lego table for Easter with lots of pieces and instructions to build. All of the lego pieces have instructions build amazing houses, boats, cars, etc. and the table has a drawer filled with organization to all the different colored pieces. This table had me reflecting on organization, instructions, purpose and plans I have for my life right now. I seem to be searching to find the instructions to find my purpose through COVID-19 to create meaning and purpose. Here are a few ways I am considering in my purpose:
- Focus on things that I love to do. We are all born with strengths, however, it can take time to discover and develop the talents we are given. We often have to practice in order to become good at these strengths or talents. I enjoy running and exercise. These are things that come more natural to me, furthermore, I have been interested in learning piano. This is not something that comes easy or effortlessly to me. I have to make a effort each day to set aside time to learn the notes and placement of the keys.
- What qualities do I enjoy expressing? What are two qualities I most enjoy expressing the world? I enjoy spreading love, compassion and encouragement. What are two ways I most enjoy expressing these qualities? I enjoy spreading these by speaking life into others, to inspire and empower people.
- Focus on living an effective life by creating a life purpose statement. Take a few moments to write a description of what the world would look like if it were operating in the ways you would like. In my vision of the world, I would want compassion with self and others in order for them to feel loved and encouraged.
- What my soul needs? My soul needs to find rest, peace and contentment. Learning to embrace this unique time as I continue to take care of my family and self.